These key points should be fully addressed, if not you run the risk of poor productivity and below par performance:
Just because you are the head honcho doesn’t mean you are immune to problems and in-house fighting. Everyone can benefit from professional guidance no matter their status.
Selling is about building relationships and trust. It’s about finding the need and meeting it. For some it comes naturally but many have to be trained and coached. Whether it’s a Telesales Team or an individual selling face-to-face, both can be moulded into prime Sales experts.
Give your managers and supervisors the skills and knowledge to help them excel and become exceptional team leaders.
Customer Care is paramount. If a customer feels neglected or if they feel they can’t rely upon the service you provide then they will jump ship without hesitation, probably to a rival. There are certain things you can do to keep your client happy and satisfied:
- Create great first impressions
Develop a free flowing rapport
Handling enquires professionally
Resolving complaints courteously
Leave a positive last impression
Many employees though highly qualified and experienced are not motivated to perform to their full potential. Learn the coaching techniques to ignite the right response from your team.
Are you maximising your merchandising?
Do you know where your ‘High Yield Zones’ are and why?